1989 USA + Canada

(photos up as soon as I scan the negs!!

1989-12-15 Saturday - the last day of school term over and the evening of our 20.30 departure to the USA. Six and a half hours to Tahiti and a further 7 and a half to LAX arriving 18.50 and settling in at the 'Airport Marina Hotel". Jac's backpack had somehow been destroyed during the flight. Beef Enchiladas and Clam Chowder to wind up the day.

1989-12-16 Los Angeles: Picked up our Avis Chevy Cavalier, pausing at Burger King for sustenance. Seeking out a K-Mart to replace Jac's damaged back pack we found ourselves in an undesirable neighbourhood and decided  to keep driving till we found somewhere a little safe. Cruised Hollywood Boulevarde for a few hours. The Chinese Theater, Walk of Fame and Gorky's for coffee. Vermont and Pico was the downtown location of our abode, the "Kent Hotel"

1989-12-17 Monday -Breakfast at "The Pantry" on the corner of 9th and Figueroa. Legendary ham, eggs, potatoes, sourdough bread, coffee, and orange juice in biblical sized servings. Hollywood Freeway, Ventura Highway, SanDiego Freeway and Interstate 5 to make it to Magic Mountain. Rode the Ninja, the Collusus, the Revolution, the Free Fall. Easy to navigate the road system home as the traffic is lane-disciplined and the road signage is not creative as is the case in Australia. Korean Meal.provided nourishment for the evening.

1989-12-18 Surprise: back to the Pantry for breakfast -although just one serve served us all we needed for the day's sustenance.Took the Harbour Freeway, the "Stack" and the Hollywood Freeway to Universal Studios. Witnessed stuff from "Back to the Future", the "Sting", "Psycho", "Jaws", "King Kong", "Miami Vice","Conan", "Star Trek". We were subjected to floods earthquakes stunts and animals (sort of!) Left Universal at 17.30 and headed for West Hollywood and the Hard Rock Cafe with its excellent burgers!

1989-12-19 Tuesday. The "Pantry" again. This place must be doing something right! Olvera street Mexican shopping and a wander through Union Station. Hollywood next stop with Mann's Chinese Theatre and some movies being filmed on a side street. -Maybe we landed in it as background pedestrians. Gorky's for coffee -Santa Monica Boulevarde through Hollywood, Beverley Hills, Century City, West LA, Santa Monica to Venice to see the sun set over the Pacific. Strolled the beach, Muscle Beach and the accompanying jocks and jills and then the search for the recommended El Nopal Mexican Restaurant and its famed "Pregnant  Buritto" Weather today fine and mild. Chris fell for the "Scam of the day": A smartly dressed black man claimed he had been mugged for his money and required a bit of money to goi home to Flydroppings, Arizona. Chris rewarded his smoothness wirh a few hard-earned dollars.

1989-12-20 Checked out of the Kent and headed towards Anaheim and the Howard Johnsons across the road from Disneyland. First encounter with a "pay-your-money-first" servo caused some minor difficulties and angst, English language helps. Air badly polluted and still on the way to Long Beach to visit the "Queen Mary". The ship was magnificently maintained and had a lot of interesting sights in board. The "Spruce Goose" (the then world's largest vintage flying boat housed in the worlds' largest free-standing dome was housed almost opposite. An awesome sight and a double-Whammy as regards tourist attractions. Nearby, an Iranian gentleman provided us with Gyros for  our evening repast.

1989-12-21 Walked across the road to Disneyland which was having the Grand Parade. We managed to ride the "Bobsled", the "Pirate Cruise" and the "Thunder Express" Captain Eo in 3D with an apparent Michael Jackson plus "Star Tours" -all good rides and a full day all round.

1989-12-22 Left HoJos at 11.45 to drive to Garden City with its "Crystal Cathedral" - a monument to Faith. Took the Santa Ana Freeway to the LA Colliseum, home of the 1932 and the 1984 Olympics. Dropped our car off at Figueroa and 3rd and an obliging employee dropped us off at the LA Greyhound terminal. This establishment looked like a scene from "War of the Worlds" -or- the breakdown of human civilization as we knew it. We managed to pass through to the relative safety behind the wire. Our bus heading East was hot and crowded but it was to be our home for the night.

1989-12-13 Arrived Flagstaff, Arizona at 0700am feeling quite OK Weather fine and cool. . Checked into the Flamingo Motel right next to the bus sstation - an establishment past its heady glory days but adequate for the weary traveller.Breakfast at "Jack in the Box" and then the 9 o'clock bus to the Grand Canyon, arriving at 10.50. Took the Hermits tour with "Walter" who proved to be informative and entertaining. The Canyon is an impressive sight and really must be seen. Bus back to Flagstaff by 18.30 and a sizeable meal at the bus station cafe: steak, potatoes,gravy, pizza sandwiches coffee and orange juice. $12 for the lot!!

1989-12-13 Oklahoma City appeared none too pretty at 0810 in the morning. One big sprawling eye sore. Back on the bus to Fort Smith -a pretty town with lots of old civic buildings and big timber houses. Bus was on a "milk run" through Muskogee, Little Rock Ark. and arriving into icy Memphis at 21.40. A nice Travelodge 50 metres away and a decent night's sleep. We had crossed 7 states getting to here.

1989-12-24 (Sunday) Slept late at the Flamingo, breakfast at Jack in the Box and the 12.45 bus to Memphis, Tennessee (i.e NOT Memphis Egypt!). Most towns appeared featureless, brown and short of money. Arrived Albuquerque New Mexico at 19.20, had dinner and rang the family back home to say "Merry Xmas". Continued to Amarillo, Texas arriving around 3 o'clock in the morning.

1989-12-26 Graceland was closed today !! How can that be ?? Looking for a cafe near the rail ststion but strangely the locals dont know about any rail station. Sometimes America is strange.... We walked to Beale Street and had a delicious lunch. On Beale St is the Police Station where Elvis Presley filled out his application to become an honorary cop. The documents are on prominent display and the whole station is worth the visit.for its interesting collections. America is strange...
Nearby is Schwab's department store which took us back to an era decades back. The shop was filled with funk and curios and was a great annd worthwhile diversion. Further down the street an old black man was playing and singing the purest guitar blues you would ever hear. A treat in itself and an opportunity to experience the "real stuff"
Down by the riverside, the Mississippi River was frozen and the paddlewheelers were jammed in the harbour. Back to Beale Street to the "Rum Boogie Cafe" for dinner.consisting of Drumsticks in Cajun Butter. At 9pm the band (Don McMinn Blues Band) came on and they were brilliant - playing a combo of blues and rock'n'roll. We had our most expensive and enjoyable evening so far in America..

1989-12-27 Back to Beale Street for breakfast naturally, before taking the #13 bus to "Graceland".  Toured the mansion, examined the graffiti-covered walls, waffled through Elvis' Boeing707, (the "Lisa Marie") and went through the "Elvis up close" exhibit. Toured the gift shops with their expensive doodits. The "Elvis" brand is sure making a lot of money 12 years after his death.! Back to town on the #13 bus, packed, meal in the cafe and then the 20.00 bus heading north to Baltimore, Maryland via Washington DC.

1989-12-28 Dawn breaking over Virginia, covered in snow and looking mighty pretty. Only 27 hours of "ridin' the dog" and we arrived into Baltimore. Checked into the Best Western Hallmark at 1230 am,.

1989-12-29 Busy day! Lexington Market for brekkie (excellent choice!) -walked the Shot Tower (1828), Little Italy and the Harbour Place. Climbed aboard the USS Constellation (1797) the oldest ship in the US Navy. Ran 20 blocks to the outstanding Baltimore and Ohio Railway Museum, arriving 20 minutes before closing. Chris was not amused. Caught the trolley bus to Fell's Point - a restored 18th century precinct. Finished up at the movies to see "Christmes Vacation" before taking the 0115 bus to New York.

1989-12-30 New York City was cold and sleety for our coming. Arrived into the Port Authority Terminal around 0410am and joined the cast of a Fellini film (or so it looked like!) America is strange...  At 6am we ventured out onto the streets to catch a taxi to Penn Station. Caught the Long Island Railroad out to Massapequa. Sister Maurine came to pick us up at the station. Sat around all day talking to Maurine and Mitzi the cat. Outside it was freezing rain and everything was covered in ice. Strolling outside was not an option. Staying indoors was soooo cosy.

 1989-12-31 Repeat of yesterday except for an excursion out to Amityvile to to view the "horror house" in appropriate weather conditions: fog and rain.

1990-01-01 Drinks and snacks with Maurine's neighbours. Went shopping at the Mall. Talked the remainder of the day and night.

1990-01-02 Transfered from Massapequa via Penn Station to the Vanderbilt YMCA in 47th Street mid-town. Eating pizza standing up at Grand Central Station. To Rockefeller Plaza to see the Christmas Tree and the skaters. Everywhere looks great with all the lights and decorations. St Patricks Cathedral next before toddling up 5th Avenue to 59th street to see and be seen at the Plaza Hotel. Bonwitt Tellers, Gucci, Tiffanys and the marble and brass restroom in the Trump Tower.

1990-01-03 A waffle around the UN tower before availing ourselves of a helicopter ride over Manhattan...-probably the best helicopter ride imaginable anywhere . Walked Lexington and Battery Park before taking the ferry  to the Statue of Liberty. Only 22 flights of steps to the crown but definitely worth it to at least say you've been there. It's one of those places! Next up was the World Trade Center. The view from the 107th floor on a cold clear night was truly amazing. It's a real shame that this building isn't with us anymore. Followed this up with a visit to Canal Street and to Chinatown for an excellent meal.

1990-01-04 (Thursday) Breakfast at the Deli then up to Wall Street in the light drizzle to observe the New York Stock Exchange in operation. Busy little joint! Over to the South Street Seaport to check out the vintage collections. Excellent! Rounded this off with more clam chowders. Back to Canal Street looking for recommended "Canal Street Jeans"

1990-01-05 Sunny and mild. Back to Canal Street, Spring Street and Delaney Streets. To Bleeker Street to check out the Bayard Building (Louis S Sullivan). Walked to Washington Square and 5th Avenue again (these are our kind of people!) and then 23-skidoo up to 23rd to see the Flat Iron Building. Nearby the Chelsea Hotel and of course "Americas Hobby Center" for all those crafty knick-knacks once ordered from the other side of the world. Found ourselves at 34th just in time to visit the Empire State Building as the sun set spectacularly over Manhattan. Wound up the day shopping at Macys.

1990-01-06 A wander to the Dakota  Apartments and the nearby Central Park "Strawberry Fields" and "Imagine" Memorial gardens. Went walking out on the frozen lake to the backdrop of  sounds from a Jamaican Steel Band. Attempted to see the entire collection at the Museum of Modern Art by nightfall, failed, then set off home past the Russian Tea Rooms (Woody Allen wasn't there at the time) passing by a beggar with Aids working the crowd outside Carnegie Hall and then waiting 40 minutes to take our seats at the Hard Rock Cafe. The food was definitely worth it

1990-01-07 (Sunday) -sunny and mild. A stroll through the dilapidated and boarded up buildings and sex shops of 42nd Street. Hard times indeed. Up Broadway to Columbus Circle and the Lincoln Centre to sample the worst lasagne and spaghetti ever. Ventured further to see the AT&T Building, 55th and Madison and to the Ziegfield Cinema to see "Born on the 4th of July".

1990-01-08 Rain and snow. 11am Greyhound to Philadelphia arriving at 2pm. Yep, managed to see the Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and Benjamin Franklin's house. The weather by this time had warmed up and we were constantly drenched with an icy drizzle. An expensive chinese meal cheered us up a little. Took the 20.30 Greyhound to New York changing there for the crowded 23.45 bound for Buffalo.

1990-01-09 Buffalo at 0700 and a change for the bus to Niagara Falls, arriving at 10 o'clock. Walked around this magnificent sight on the Canadian side, including walking through tunnels to the back of the falls, which had mostly frozen over. Quite a sight! Probably more interesting when frozen over!
Caught the 15.35 "dog" to Toronto, Canada, which was experiencing relatively mild weather. By 6pm we had arranged a student guest house in Spadina and had settled in. Within a block we found a huge and delicious Greek restaurant dishing out souvlakia and moussaka and several beers. Toronto is a very civilized town!

1990-01-10 After an unimaginative breakfast, we sought out the CN Tower, Toronto's famous landmark icon. $8 to the 340 metre level and $2 more to reach the 447 metre level. Wandered the labyrinth of underground streets full of shopping.  Caught the 18.30 Greyhound heading for Chicago. Went via Windsor passing through US immigration control at midnight and hitting Detroit at 0130 in time to change buses for Chicago. Sleep not an option.

1990-01-11 Chicago Greyhound Terminal at 5am...not the best place to source a great breakfast. Found the "Travel Inn" nearby on South Michigan Avenue. No 6 bus took us to the Museum of Science and Technology... one of the world's great collections. We spent the day there and enjoyed every minute..Weather was bleak and windy - enough to close O'Hare Airport and the Sears Tower and have ropes put out to help pedestrians on windblasted street corners. We luckily found a great little cafe nearby to our lodgings to fill up on excellent Greek food.

1990-01-12  After a good breakfast we walked along Michigan Avenue to the University of Chicago (designed by Louis Sullivan). Shopped Woolworths and Walgreens before finding out you had to book a tour to see the Chicago Tribune Building. Back downtown to the Watertower and the Sears Building on Wacker Avenue to experience the world's tallest building with views on a clear night for 25 miles. We experienced a spectacular sunset here. Teriyaki Chicken and Polish Sausage in a great little cafe under the "El". Rode two stops on the El and then a taxi back to the motel to grab our bags for our 9pm departure on the Greyhound to Denver.

1990-01-13 Stopped for a meal at 0330 somewhere in Iowa. Temperature was said to be 19 degrees Fahrenheit (actually it was -6C) in town but we were wearing tee shirts on the overheated bus. Next stop Omaha, Nebraska crossing interminable plains all day. Mountainous Denver Colorado hove into view in much the same way as an oasis would. Temperature a mild +8C as we booked into the friendly Melbourne Hostel. The proprietor talked snow and a young Aussie from Townsville QLD talked Rugby League. Nicely sited city!

1990-01-14 0645 start to catch the early morning bus to Salt Lake City via Grand Junction. Beautiful mountain scenery which took us past the beautiful people and expensive lodges of Vail. Arrived at Salt Lake City and at 8pm chose Howard Johnson's establishment next to the bus station  with time for a tasty meal at "JB's" nearby.

1990-01-15 Breakfast at "JB's" and then the illuminating tour of Temple Square. Shuttle to the airport then the bus from there to Chateau Apres at magnificent Park City, Utah. Walked all over the snow covered town. The Main Street looked beautiful, but particularly so when the winter lights went on. Park City delivered when it came time to eat. Texas Red's had the best ribs and chicken imaginable and was the perfect wind-up to a great day.

1990-01-16 After breakfast at Chateau Apres, we went to "Hermans" to purchase some ski gear and then decided on taking the bus to Park West. We waited for a very long time before locals indicated the the thing stopped running at 1240. Great News!!!!. Walked back to town with a serious case of the megashits, dumped our gear and drowned our sorrows in a massive Mexican meal. Night skiing started at 4pm at Park City so we skied our legs off until 8pm. We felt fulfilled as we hit the sack absulutely exhausted.

1990-01-17 Slow breakfast and therefore a late start at Park City. Took the gondola to the top and skied until 4pm. Mountain scenery hereabouts was awesome. This is one hell of a ski hill. Later went browsing and shopping at the Resort Centre and bailed up a Park West bus driver to complain about lack of information. The driver compensated us with complimentary tickets. Feeling much happier we had dinner at Hardees before hitting the sack.

1990-01-18 Full day skiing at Park West. -9C on the mountain so the snow quality was excellent. Off the mountain by 4.30 and on to Hardees for dinner.

1990-01-19 Full day skiing at Park City... a magnificent experience. Last ride of the day at 4pm then the 3 and a half mile home trail back to the resort centre followed by a shopping frenzy. Texas Reds again for dinner: ribs, chicken and burritos. Early night.

1990-01-20 Chris'n'Jac managed another half day's excellent skiing at Park West before a return to Salt Lake City. Another Greyhound bus night (our last) as we left for San Francisco at 19.45.

1990-01-21 Sunday: Breakfast in Reno as we watched the sun come up. Continued on through the mountains and California snowfields to arrive into mild and sunny San Francisco at 13.15. Found an acceptable hotel close by. Took the cable car to the Cable Car Museum and also wandered Lombard Street, the crookedest street in the world. Fisherman's Wharf for clam chowder and a discovery tour of a submarine moored in the bay. Ghirardelli Square next up before another cable car trip to Chinatown for an excellent meal.

1990-01-22 Breakfast at "Jack in the Box", cable car to Fisherman's Wharf and a Bay Cruise to Sausalito. Watched the seals on the wharves while eating chips. A visit to the Maritime Museum and another cable car ride to Chinatown where we were treated to another magnificent chinese meal.

1990-01-23 Picked a Pontiac Grand Am from Avis and drove over the Golden Gate Bridge, turned back around and then headed south down Highway #1. To Santa Cruz for a mexican lunch. Drove on to Monterrey and Cannery Row and made it through the picturesque "17 Mile Drive". Drove around Carmel in the failing light, regretting running out of light. Continued on to Big Sur and found a comfortable cabin in the Riverside Camping Ground. Demolished an excellent hamburger for dinner before a comfortable night's sleep.

1990-01-24 Mild and sunny. Eleven hours of quality sleep! Breakfast a mile down the road then a tortuous, winding and very scenic road to San Simeon and Hearst Castle. Two tours of the spectacular and photogenic castle then to the village on San Simeon and a walk on the beach, touching our toes in the Pacific as the sun set. Continued on to Morro Bay, availing ourselves of the local Motel 6 and then seeking and destroying an enormous and satisfying mexican meal.

1990-01-25 Warm and sunny. Drove to San Luis Obispo for "brunch" and continued on highway 101 to Solvang, a Denmark in minuature. Well worth the visit! Moved on too late to appreciate the old mission church at Santa Barbara. Back onto the freeway to the outskirts of Los Angeles, settling in at Motel 6 in Sherman Oaks.

1990-01-26 Sherman Oaks Galleria - "six stories of valley girls and dudes" according to the guidebook. Totally awesome to the max!!! Like..you know.. totally!!

Exit LAX with just one regret... we didn't get to see Getty's recreated Roman villa at Malibu in Los Angeles. Next Time! We are saving up for health insurance as we speak !!